imagined with whimsy in washington state usa.

Hello world! My name is Ayena and have a lot, A LOT, of varied and variable interests in this life!

I hope you do too and you will love my website. I’ve partnered with drop shippers that sell stuff I personally LOVE and also sell things I have designed or MADE MYSELF. Stuff like with my own two hands and two feet!

Please enjoy the site and know that I have MANY hobbies and likes, and am also always open for commissions. Please send me a message to pay a deposit on the membership page to get started!

My husband and I curate this brand to be whimsical, a little dirty, feisty and silly! Clock in to our Facebook page and Instagram to see our updates, or also join our membership options for access to our discord server. You can chat and hang out with all the other DOOMLINGS.


-Ayena and Noize